Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Central team participates in valedictory function of Digital India Week

Srinagar,July 07 (Scoop News)-A high level team of Information Technology (IT) department, Government of India headed by Scientist-G, Senior Director DEITY, Dr. R. Pitchiah today visited National Institute of Electronic and Information Technology (NIELIT), Rangreth and Central University Campus Indranagar to participate in the concluding function of the Digital India Week, here.
The team was accompanied by Secretary, Information Technology Hirdesh Kumar Singh and other officers of IT department.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr. R. Pitchiah highlighted the aims and objectives of Digital India Programme launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said the ultimate objective of the initiative is to deliver all possible government services to citizens electronically.
Secretary IT, Mr Hirdesh Kumar, in his address said that Digital India Programme aims to reach out to the most remote corners of the state and facilitate a two-way interaction between the citizens and the Government.
Calling upon youth to come forward and take advantage of modern technologies, Mr Kumar said that main focus of digital India is to empower youth and also connect every village with optical fiber network and better mobile connectivity to every citizen.
Director NIELIT, Dr. A. H. Moon, CEO, JaKEGA M. Akbar Wani, Deputy Secretary IT Mohammad Shafi Dar, HOD IT Central University Kashmir A. M. Wani also spoke on the occasion. While Senior Consultant IT Department Munish Chandan gave a brief on the week long activities held across the state in connection with Digital India Week.
Later, certificates were given away among the students of various educational Institutions, who participated in quiz programme, lectures on digital literacy and organizing sketches depicting pre and post digital India stature.
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