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Zaiba Aapa Institute organizes International week for the Deaf
Bijbehara,September 25 (Scoop News)-International week for the Deaf concluding ceremony held at zaiba Aapa Institute of inclusive education Semthan Bijbehara. The Programme was organized by Humanity Welfare organization Helpline. Around sixty children with hearing and speech disabilities, scores of parents, persons .with disabilities joined the event. The special educators of zaiba Aapa Institute of inclusive education throw light on the importance of the day. Thr program was attended by CPIM general secretary Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami in solidarity with persons with hearing and speech disabilities

In the inaugural speech Javed Ahmad Tak founder of Humanity Welfare organization Helpline said that world is celebrating the day for empowering persons with hearing and speech disabilities under the theme inclusive community for the Deaf persons. It means there should be no barrier or discrimination or the deaf persons to live a life with dignity and respect. India has 90 million population of the hearing and speech disable persons. If we ignore their education employability social rehabilitation then the huge chunk of population will be forced to live live with miseries and parasitism. Javed Ahmad Tak said Rights of persons with disabilities Act 2016 was passed by the parliament of India and government should frame a task force to implement the Act with letter and spirit to empower persons with all types of persons with disabilities. Tak highlighted the issues faced by persons with hearing and speech disabilities and said that transport department ignores licencing of persons with hearing disabilities despite Honourable Supreme court orders in place. Jammu Kashmir services recruitment board is not serving reservation to persons with hearing and speech disabilities sidelining the RPWD Act and rules thereof. Despite laws and legislations in place persons with hearing and speech disabilities are forced to approach courts for implementation of such laws and government orders. The social security scheme Semthan Bijbehara performed various cultural and educational activities. They performed a skit with theme that sign language should be available at all public places so that persons with hearing and speech disabilities are not neglected. All the participants appreciated role of Humanity Welfare organization Helpline and zaiba Aapa Institute of inclusive education for their greater contribution in empowering persons with disabilities

In his speech M Y Tarigami said that government should not ignore deaf community but should take steps to include persons with all types of disabilities. He talked of national platform for the rights of persons with disabilities wing created by CPIM leader Shri Murlidaran. The forum is supported by CPIM and on its directions MY Tarigami visited the institution to know the status of persons with disabilities. Tarigami assured that in comming elections their party will keep disability issues on top priority and will create a disable friendly manifesto. He further announced in next month a huge convention for disability rights will be organised with maximum participation of persons with disabilities and their grievances will be heard and the report will be submitted to the government for the redressal and development of disability sector in J&K.

Students with disabilities of zaiba Aapa Institute of inclusive education Semthan Semthan Bijbehara performed various cultural and educational activities. They performed a skit with theme that sign language should be available at all public places so that persons with hearing and speech disabilities are not neglected. All the participants appreciated role of Humanity Welfare organization Helpline and zaiba Aapa Institute of inclusive education for their greater contribution in empowering persons with disabilities

Adil Rashid vaid presented vote of thanks and assured that zaiba Aapa Institute of inclusive education is committed to empower persons with hearing and speech disabilities. He said more follow up programmes will be organised
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