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DDC Pulwama launches Movement for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities(PwD)

Pulwama ,March 16 (Scoop News)- In connection to follow up of the meeting with disability delegation under the leadership of renowned disability activist Javed Ahmad Tak , Committed towards the inclusive and accessible governance, District Development Commissioner Pulwama Syed Abid Rashid Shah, IAS today convened a meeting of Persons with Disabilities and the officers of the line departments here at DC office complex Pulwama.

Speaking on the occasion, DDC said that District Administration is committed for safe, accessible and dignified life of Persons with Disabilities. He said that the focus of his administration is to enable Persons with Disabilities to gain universal access, equal opportunity for development, independent living and participation in an inclusive society in all aspects of life .

He urged upon the line departments to develop an effective redressal grievance mechanism related to persons with disabilities. He stressed upon officers to ensure a spirited compliance of a circular issued earlier in connection with the weekly public hearing of persons with disabilities and their desired disposal thereof . The Chief Medical officer was directed to keep eagle's eye over the issuance of Disability certificates in favour of deserving disabled persons and weedout the tampered and fake disability certificates. The Assistant commissioner pulwama assured that all persons with disabilities will be issued job cards and work orders under MGNREGA and create accessibility in rural infrastructure. SC /ST/OBC board was directed to provide hassle free loans to persons with disabilities as per guidelines devised by NHFDC without delays and complicated proceedures within the stipulated time. ARTO pulwama was direcyed to issue driving licence to persons with disabilities under invalid carriage scheme within weeks time. R&B department was directed to create accessibility to persons with disabilities in all new and underconstruction buildings. In addition the Mini Secretariat should be eqquiped with lifts, tactile path for blind persons and tags on all doors for deaf visitors and staff members. The election department was directed to ensure travel, escort and wheelchair facilities for persons with disabilities with accessible poling booth facilities. Manager DIC was directed to ensure proper support system for benigicaries with disabilities in preparing DPR project proposal and reservation in estabilishing units. In addition the cases of persons with disabilities should be disbursed on priority. Social welfare department was directed to ensure hassle free redresal mechanism for complaints of persons with disabilities in district pulwama and take responsibility as nodal officer. Lead bank manager was directed to ensure easy and accessible banking facilities for persons with disabilities and disbursal of hassle free loans for persons with disabilities DC pulwama thrust upon all departments to show rights based approach and not charity oriented attiude towards the persons with disabilities.

DDC nominated DSWO as a nodal officer for grievance redressal for all the line departments and enjoined upon all the officers to coordinate with the nodal officer. DDC urged upon the officers to sensitise their subordinate staff towards the issues faced by the persons with disabilities. Earlier Javed Ahmad Tak Honorary Chairman Humanity Welfare organisation Helpline NGO explained the charter of demands before the district officers in presence of Deputy commissioner Pulwama. Javed Ahmad Tak thanked the Deputy commissioner Pulwama for giving patient hearing and issuing circular for sparing one hour time on every wedensday in order to redress the genuine greviances of persons with disabilities. The meeting was attended by all district officers and members of jk handicapped association district pulwama.

During the meeting persons with disabilities raised various issues and demanded the construction of ramps at Govt offices and schools, disbursement of disability certificates to the deserved persons, braille books at schools ,travel allowances and escort allowances to Students.DDC gave them patient hearing and assured all raised demands will be redressed in shortest possible time

Pulwama ,March 16 (Scoop News)- In connection to follow up of the meeting with disability delegation under the leadership of renowned disability activist Javed Ahmad Tak , Committed towards the inclusive and accessible governance, District Development Commissioner Pulwama Syed Abid Rashid Shah, IAS today convened a meeting of Persons with Disabilities and the officers of the line departments here at DC office complex Pulwama.

Speaking on the occasion, DDC said that District Administration is committed for safe, accessible and dignified life of Persons with Disabilities. He said that the focus of his administration is to enable Persons with Disabilities to gain universal access, equal opportunity for development, independent living and participation in an inclusive society in all aspects of life .

He urged upon the line departments to develop an effective redressal grievance mechanism related to persons with disabilities. He stressed upon officers to ensure a spirited compliance of a circular issued earlier in connection with the weekly public hearing of persons with disabilities and their desired disposal thereof . The Chief Medical officer was directed to keep eagle's eye over the issuance of Disability certificates in favour of deserving disabled persons and weedout the tampered and fake disability certificates. The Assistant commissioner pulwama assured that all persons with disabilities will be issued job cards and work orders under MGNREGA and create accessibility in rural infrastructure. SC /ST/OBC board was directed to provide hassle free loans to persons with disabilities as per guidelines devised by NHFDC without delays and complicated proceedures within the stipulated time. ARTO pulwama was direcyed to issue driving licence to persons with disabilities under invalid carriage scheme within weeks time. R&B department was directed to create accessibility to persons with disabilities in all new and underconstruction buildings. In addition the Mini Secretariat should be eqquiped with lifts, tactile path for blind persons and tags on all doors for deaf visitors and staff members. The election department was directed to ensure travel, escort and wheelchair facilities for persons with disabilities with accessible poling booth facilities. Manager DIC was directed to ensure proper support system for benigicaries with disabilities in preparing DPR project proposal and reservation in estabilishing units. In addition the cases of persons with disabilities should be disbursed on priority. Social welfare department was directed to ensure hassle free redresal mechanism for complaints of persons with disabilities in district pulwama and take responsibility as nodal officer. Lead bank manager was directed to ensure easy and accessible banking facilities for persons with disabilities and disbursal of hassle free loans for persons with disabilities DC pulwama thrust upon all departments to show rights based approach and not charity oriented attiude towards the persons with disabilities.

DDC nominated DSWO as a nodal officer for grievance redressal for all the line departments and enjoined upon all the officers to coordinate with the nodal officer. DDC urged upon the officers to sensitise their subordinate staff towards the issues faced by the persons with disabilities. Earlier Javed Ahmad Tak Honorary Chairman Humanity Welfare organisation Helpline NGO explained the charter of demands before the district officers in presence of Deputy commissioner Pulwama. Javed Ahmad Tak thanked the Deputy commissioner Pulwama for giving patient hearing and issuing circular for sparing one hour time on every wedensday in order to redress the genuine greviances of persons with disabilities. The meeting was attended by all district officers and members of jk handicapped association district pulwama.

During the meeting persons with disabilities raised various issues and demanded the construction of ramps at Govt offices and schools, disbursement of disability certificates to the deserved persons, braille books at schools ,travel allowances and escort allowances to Students.DDC gave them patient hearing and assured all raised demands will be redressed in shortest possible time
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