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SDM inspects snow clearance work on Kargil Zanskar Highway
Kargil, March 23, (Scoop News)- Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) Zanskar Tundup Namgyal Lonpo today inspected the pace of snow clearance work on Kargil Zanskar Highway.
The SDM took stock of the progress of road clearance work on the highway from Zanskar side. The engineers apprised the SDM that the road clearance work has already been completed up to Tigzumsa Bridge 75 kms away from Padum and the work is expected to be completed up to Penzi La within ten days subject to fair weather conditions.
The SDM impressed upon the engineers and dozer operators of Mechanical Division Zanskar to speed up the remaining clearance work at the earliest possible so that the highway is thrown open for vehicular traffic in due course of time.
SHO Zanskar and other concerned officers of the Sub Divisional Administration accompanied the SDM.
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