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Wangchuk announces setting up of an ‘Alternative University’ for mountain development
donates awards money of nearly Rs. one crore, local authorities allot 200 acres of land for campus
Leh (Ladakh), November 27, (Scoop News)-Sonam Wangchuk, who recently bagged Rolex Award for Enterprise-2016, has announced to set up an ‘Alternative University’ for mountain development in arctic desert region of Ladakh.

“We are preparing to launch an ambitious project- Himalayan Institute of Alternatives, Ladakh (HIAL), an alternative university for mountain development,” he declared and said, “I have already decided to donate the award money of approximately one crore towards this university and to begin with we will start greening of the land allotted for project.”

The institute will engage the students in finding real solutions to real life challenges faced by the people inhabiting the Himalayas. This project will change the face of higher education in India and the future of it has already begun.

Lauding the local authorities for being supportive of the project by allocating 200 acres of land for construction purpose, Wangchuk said the vision of the university would be to provide the young generation with a platform from where they would be running various enterprises generating the funds which will play a major role in running the university.

Speaking at an interactive session in the Future Talk Series titled ‘the Next Learning Revolution’ at New Delhi on Friday, he said “we will use our 25 years experience of hands on practical education at SECMOL and scale it up for higher education at international level.

It was also marked by the launch of global funding campaign for contributing to the making of HIAL, Wangchuk said in the meantime, the funds would start flowing in for building of complexes inside the campus.

The event witnessed the presence of several distinguished guests including the state Education Minister Naeem Ahtar, Rigzin Jora, former minister and a lawmaker, Prof Ajay Mathur and Dr Ashok Khosla besides several other academicians and intellectuals.

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