Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Global Hand-washing Day: Hanjura for setting in motion sustained awareness campaign
Urges people not to construct latrines along banks of rivers, streams, springs

Budgsm, October 15 (Scoop News)- Two Minister for Agriculture, Ghulam Nabi Lone Hanjura Thursday called for organizing hand-wash awareness camps at village level. He asked the concerned to involve school children, teachers, ASHA Workers, Anganwari Workers, PRIs, and NGOs in creating awareness about this global campaign.
The Minister was speaking at a function organized today by the Rural Sanitation Department at Sheikh-ul-Aalam Hall Budgam in connection with Global Hand-washing Day.
Deputy Commissioner Budgam, Mir Altaf Ahmed, District officers of various departments, ASHA Workers, Anganwari Workers, prominent citizens and school children were present on the occasion.
Calling for sustained hand-washing awareness campaigns at hospitals and educational institutions, the Minister said that it is the responsibility of the education and hospital managements to make people aware about the importance and health benefits of maintaining proper hygiene.
Hanjura said such initiatives shouldn’t be confined to only on Global Hand-washing Day, but it should be a continuous process so that this mission reaches door to door.
The Minister said that the benefits of flagship programmes and centrally sponsored scheme do not reach the people unless and these are not publicized effectively. He stressed for wide publicity in this regard so that maximum lot is benefitted by the welfare schemes launched by the State and Central Governments.
The Minister said that many diseases and condition spread by not washing hands properly. He said potable water is equally important and there is a pressing need to keep our water bodies and nallahs neat and clean. Hanjura urged the people to stop dumping waste in water bodies and nallahs and also desist from raising constructions including sanitary units along the banks of rivers, streams and nallahs.
Deputy Commissioner Budgam in his welcome address highlighted the importance and health benefits of washing hands with soap. He said such programmes will be conducted in the district ...
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