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CEC Dr. Jaffer Akhoon attends annual day celebration of PM Shri Govt. High School Poyen

Kargil, December 10 (Scoop News)-Chairman/Chief Executive Councillor (CEC), LAHDC, Kargil, Dr. Mohd Jaffer Akhoon today attended the annual day celebration of PM Shri Govt. High School Poyen .

The event was attended by Executive Councillor, Education, Zakir Hussain, the school's headmistress, Zehra Banoo, Program Coordinator Mohd Jawed, prominent historian Sadiq Hardassi, faculty members, parents, and students.

In his address, the CEC congratulated the school for organizing the celebration and encouraged students to focus on their studies. He also urged parents to uphold their fundamental duties alongside their rights.

While responding to the demands Dr. Akhoon informed about various steps taken up by the Hill Council Kargil such as the issue of increment for part-time sweepers and is optimistic about a favourable outcome. He assured for a Detailed Project Report (DPR) for a submersible pump by the PHE Department. He also assured for almunium panelling of the school veranda and said that the Council is working on transparent teacher transfer policy.

The CEC congratulated the school for achieving the PM Shri status and commended the efforts of the faculty in providing quality education to students. He assured continued support from the Hill Council for the school’s development.

Executive Councillor, Zakir Hussain highlighted the remedial and residential classes initiated by UT Ladakh Administration, implemented by Hill Council Kargil. He praised the CEC’s dedication to prioritizing education and assured the faculty of all possible support for the school’s initiatives.

At the event, the students presented cultural program, including dance performances, a taekwondo display, and a thought-provoking play on the adverse effects of social media.

Program Coordinator, Mohd Jawed presented the achievements of the school, while meritorious students, best performers, and those with excellent attendance were honoured with mementos.

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