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H.H Drikung Kyabgon consecrates and inaugurates Wanla Lonpo Statue at Wanla Monastery
CEC Gyalson congratulates and expresses gratitude to all contributors and supporters

Leh, June 10 (Scoop News)- The much-awaited unveiling of the 16-ft Statue of Wanla Lonpo took place today at Wanla Monastery. The statue was consecrated and inaugurated by His Holiness the 37th Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche, in the august presence of the Hon’ble Chairman/CEC, LAHDC Leh, Tashi Gyalson, who is also the elected Councillor of the Singay-Lalok region.

The event was graced by H.E Rangdol Nyima Rinpoche; H.E Tulku Sangay; DC/CEO LAHDC Leh, Santosh Sukhdeve; Hon’ble Councillors of LAHDC Leh, Lobzang Sherab, Tsering Namgyal, Dr. Morup Dorjey, Ishey Spalzang, Sonam Nurboo, and Hon’ble Nominated Councillors, Ven. Konchok Tsepel, and Phuntsog Nurbo, Dy Secretary Ladakh Academy of Art, Culture & Languages, Leh, Tsewang Paljor, and officers/officials of Sub-Division Khaltse.

Other eminent dignitaries included venerable monks led by the Head Monks of Lamayuru and Wanla monasteries, President LBA Sham Unit, Padma Shri Awardees Morup Namgyal and Tsering Namgail, renowned researcher Prof. Viraf Mehta, young artist and sculptor of the Wanla Lonpo Statue, Chemat Dorjey, Contractor Angdu Gyamtso, President BJP Mahila Morcha Ladakh, President DCC Leh, villagers of Wanla and adjacent areas led by their Nambardars, and a large number of devotees from across the Sham region.

In his keynote address, His Holiness, Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche congratulated the villagers of Wanla on establishing the statue. His Holiness advised all devotees, especially the younger generation, to follow the legacy of Wanla Lonchen Norbu Dadul Wangchuk by being focused, building self-confidence, showing courage, and helping each other in their daily lives. He also praised the contributions of all stakeholders, led by Hon’ble Chairman, LAHDC Leh, in ensuring the successful establishment of the statue.

While addressing the gathering, CEC Tashi Gyalson, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche for his close involvement with the project from the beginning and for consecrating and inaugurating it with spiritual reverence. “Wanla Lonpo is the identity of Wanla village, and today we have successfully paid tribute to his legacy. We have achieved what we visualised a year ago and this achievement is the result of research, consultation, deliberation, and the tremendous hard work of the team led by young sculptor Chemat Dorjey and Contractor Angdu Gyamtso. Because of their efforts, Wanla Lonchen Norbu Dadul Wangchuk proudly blesses us from the top of Wanla Monastery. This statue resembles bravery, wisdom, strength, courage, integrity, and resilience, reflecting the legacy of our great Wanla Lonchen Norbu Dadul Wangchuk. My special gratitude to Prof. Viraf Mehta, a renowned archaeologist and a conservationist for his unwavering assistance towards the project with his expertise and in-depth research on Wanla Lonpo and his legacy. This project also aims to attract visitors from around the world and make the entire Sham region a future heritage tourism centre. My heartfelt gratitude to everyone gathered here at this momentous occasion to celebrate the legacy of Wanla Lonchen, which I hope continues to inspire the people of Wanla and all of Ladakh over the period and beyond,” stated CEC Tashi Gyalson in his address.

The villagers and the students of Wanla village showcased vibrant and diverse traditional cultural performances. In the end, all the contributors, supporters and stakeholders were felicitated by His Holiness, Drikung Kyabgo Chetsang Rinpoche during the ceremony.
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