Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Reserve 8 Assembly seats for PoK DPs to defeat Pak’s manipulations in J&K: Chuni
Favours creation of Mirpur, Muzaffarabad, Poonch Scouts to plug infiltration gaps along LoC

New Delhi,September 23 (Scoop News)-SOS International Chairman, Rajiv Chuni has suggested for the reservation of at-least eight seats for the PoK displaced people, whose number is around 17 lakh, in Jammu and Kashmir assembly and creation of battalions of Mirpur--Muzaffarabad--Poonch Scouts with full strength of PoK refugees to be deployed along the Line of Control (LoC) to expose the Pakistan-China strategic nexus of building economic corridor in PoK.

“The government of India should get rid of the disease from its origin and the best remedy to teach Pakistan a lesson is that it (GoI) should expose China and Pakistan’s strategic nexus of building an economic corridor on our lands in PoK. It can be best achieved by empowering PoK refugees politically. The Government should reserve at least eight seats in J&K assembly so that we are able to expose China and Pakistan globally which would hit two nations economically as well,” Chuni said.

Addressing an august gathering at New Delhi during a seminar on ‘India-Pakistan Partition, the background of the creation of PoK and the role of politicians and local people’, the refugee leader said, “Our people were looted and brutally killed. Our sisters had to face mental trauma. The Genocide was inflicted upon us and our race was eliminated. Pakistan should be exposed for its misdeeds and it can be achieved if the real victims of this genocide, PoK refugees are empowered politically in J&K assembly. Pakistan and China are building an economic corridor on our lands which also needs to be exposed vociferously”.

Mr Chuni said the government of India should accept the recommendations of Delimitation Commission, Wadhwa Committee and Interlocutors report while considering the genuine and legitimate demand of PoK refugees for reserving eight seats for them in J&K assembly.

“Mere passing of unanimous resolution in Parliament to retrieve PoK from the clutches of Pakistan will not serve the purpose. It is high time to get some practical and concrete measures to put the last nail in the coffin of Pakistani manipulations in Jammu and Kashmir,” the refugee leader said.

He also suggested the creation of Mirpur-- Muzaffarabad --Poonch Scouts having the full strength of PoK refugees to effectively deal with the terrorists infiltrating into Indian territory from Pakistan.

“We should bear in mind that diamond cuts diamond. Our people are well-versed with the language being spoken on the other side of LoC, especially in the areas of Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Apart from this, they are capable of effectively dealing with the terrorists originating from Pakistan soil. It will also provide big employment to our people,” he said.

The SOS International Chairman also strongly pitched for giving due recognition to the Domicile Certificates issued to all Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) refugees living in different parts of the country, other than J&K, saying “Being the bonafide migrants, they hold equal rights on the jobs and employment opportunities available in Jammu and Kashmir”.

Mr Chuni shared serious concern over the denial of job opportunities to the PoK refugees living in UP, Bihar and Delhi and having domicile certificates, in Jammu and Kashmir.

“Unfortunately, our refugees possessing domicile certificates of J&K are being discriminated against by the authorities on the pretext that they are living in UP, Bihar and Delhi. They are being denied jobs under domicile quota of J&K in CRPF, BSF and Army recruitments. What is the fun of possessing these certificates if they are not able to get employment opportunities through the domicile quota of J&K,” Chuni questioned.

He elaborated, “After the State Subject Law was abolished in Jammu and Kashmir on August 5, 2019, the Government of India introduced the provision of domicile certificates for the people living in J&K for the past 15 years. At that time, the PoK refugees living in Delhi, UP and Bihar were denied these certificates. We wrote to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi and requested him that the left out refugees are the bonafide residents of J&K and they should also be given these certificates. Our demand was conceded and domicile certificates were issued to them”.

“Our people are now being discriminated against because their Domicile Certificates are thrown into bins by the authorities concerned on the pretext that they are living outside J&K. The need of the hour is to work on the issue. We should hold a discussion on the issue and collectively request the government for giving due recognition to these certificates. The domicile being possessed by these refugees should hold some meaning and significance as other people of J&K have,” he said.

Mr Chuni said there was a need to convey to the government of India that nobody ever intended to stay in isolation and everyone (PoK refugees) wants to remain connected with their roots. “This type of discrimination will keep them away from their roots and rich culture,” he said.

Dwelling on the historic background of PoK, the senior leader said the POK refugees have not only lost an area to Pakistan but they have lost their rich culture and heritage in the due process which is unlikely to be available to their future generations.

“We left our moveable and immovable property back in PoK and we have not been paid any compensation for the same. The indifferent attitude of the successive regimes made our heart-bleed. The Government of India’s assertion that if you are compensated for the moveable and immovable property left in PoK, it would send a message across the border that we (GOI) have decided to leave this area which is a cruel joke,” he said.

He added, “We framed Displaced Persons Relief and Rehabilitation Act 1954 but it is not applicable to our people (PoK refugees). The people who came after the division of the country are covered under this Act but we have been denied the same on the flimsy grounds that the PoK refugees would be sent back after vacating the land from the occupation of Pakistan”.

Earlier, he expressed his gratitude to the organizers Sh. Anant Shri Vibushit Swami Amritanand Dev Tirath Ji for holding this interactive session. On the occasion, he along with Mr Sunil Pandey and Mr Ravi Shanker, were also felicitated.

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