Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Police solves burglary case in Baramulla; 01 arrested

Srinagar, May 24 (Scoop News)- Police in Baramulla have solved a burglary case by arresting an accused person involved in the commission of crime.
On 23/05/2023, Police Post Wagoora received a complaint from Ghulam Nabi Mir son of Ghulam Mohd Mir resident of Kachwa Muqam Kreeri stating therein that during intervening night of 22-23/05/2023, some unknown burglar(s) barged into his shop located at Kalantra Payeen and had stolen vehicle spare parts.
Accordingly, a case under relevant sections of law have been registered at Police Station Kreeri and investigation was initiated.
During the course of investigation, officers with the help of technical and human resources zeroed in on one suspect identified as Umar Rehman Mochi son of Abdul Rehman Mochi resident of Kalantra Payeen.
During questioning, officers learnt his involvement in the commission of crime. On his disclosure, stolen property was recovered from his possession. He has been arrested and shifted to police station where he remains in custody.
Community members have lauded the efforts of police for solving the burglary case. Our consistent actions shall assure community members that Police have resolved to act tough against individuals involved in any kind of criminal activities.

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