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Property tax office will be big burden on the general public: Gurmeet Singh

Jammu,March 15 (Scoop News)- A meeting organized at Congress office, Rajinder bazaar where Gurmeet Singh, President Beopar Mandal & Distt. General Secretary, a senior congress Leader announced to Extend congress support for indefinite bandh-call as the call by the Jammu and Kashmir chamber of commerce for one day couldn’t solve the purpose, Congress has extended full support to this public cause of the Traders/ common peoples of Jammu, stating that it's stand against the socio-economic policies of the BJP government, are vindicated. As per shared property tax implementation commercial, 100sqfeet (i.e 10X10) which is merely a “Khokha” which again means the businessmen/ Treaders are highly impacted and he is also playing the role of government’s major problem of unemployment by providing employment at his business and bearing the burden of salaries too which should be bearded by the government who is a total failure on this front of employment. That means business & trade houses should be exempted from this implementation of this property tax but the present government screwed them more than required as we all know the business situation in Jammu post covid. Everyone is just managing their livelihood very toughly.

It is also observed that more than 100% Public shall be involved in property tax as they have to pay property tax office shop as well as his house. In this way their will be big burden on the general public which is not tolerable by the public levying in j&k as already suffered a lot due to covid 19.
He further address that we all should participate in this indefinite strike till this order of property tax get reversed by the Government, as earlier is happened during the Farooq’s Government in regards to the “darbar move” where every-one unites against the administration’s & on that ongoing long agitation brings fruitful results & government reversed his order and shifting happened as per capital state.

From time to time, cautioned the people, about the wrong policies of the BJP government at the centre especially it's socio-economic policies. The fall out of these policies are being felt and realized by everyone now including the community in Jammu. Congress had been opposing time to time the wrong policies implemented by the BJP including the anti people, anti traders, anti farmers and anti poor economic policies of the BJP government and our stand is justified. Jammu too has understood that the unethical policies framed by the BJP government are purely anti the common mob of Jammu.

He also appealed all the leaders of all the political parties, chamber of commerce, all the members of J&K High Court Bar Association, transporters, social & political media personnel’s, suppliers & traders, bazaars associations, hoteliers, etc. all including all those whom I missed here to name should come forward and participate in this protest against to bring to an end levying this unauthentic tax by the Government of JKUT under the instructions passed by the Centre Government and make this protest successful.

He believed from this statement of the LG it is clear that the union BJP Govt. and the J&k govt is imposing the property tax from 01 April, 2023. Gurmeet Singh said If property tax Zazia rule is not taken back by the govt. then we shall go on indefinite hunger strike for the interest of the common people and businessmen.

Gurmeet Singh said demanded the President of India Shri Droupapi Murmu for the immediate restoration of j&k state, implement the instrument of accession conditions, restore special status back and revive the democratic process immediately.

He alleged that the BJP was playing a game of double standards where he wants to relax & giving benefits to non JK-residents and at the same time snatching the opportunities, avenues from local residents (Dogras) and looting only Hindus. He further said in this context, now this property tax will snatch the livelihood and will break the backbone of the Jammu Kashmir people.

Gurmeet Singh, President Beopar Mandal & District General Secretary Congress, a senior congress Leader also announce to the general public for sure, when the upcoming Government of Congress party came into position at Centre where the Prime Minister of India Sh. Rahul Gandhi along with myself Gurmeet Singh at State/ JKUT position, I Promise every one that these He further said that in fact the central government already knows very well the fact that the people of Jammu and Kashmir will get agitated over the property tax. That's why they kept on misleading the people on every public platform by giving false assurances and promises. This is the reason that the Congress understood the immoral intention of the BJP government at the Center and made a strategy of mass movement against the property tax. Congress is raising voice against the wrong policies of the government.
Gurmeet Singh President beopar Mandal & Distt. General Sect. Congress said in his many meeting that the BJP 25 MLA’s , 02 MP’s, in present scenario Mayor and his representative team members of municipal councilors kept their mouth shut on every issues pertaining to unethical policies implemented by BJP and still keep silent on this issued Government orders also is a great concern for the Traders community, common people and Jammu and Kashmir chamber of commerce of Jammu which is surprising as they are silent spectators. The people should strongly oppose the wrong socio-economic policies of the BJP government.

Prominent among those who accompanied :- Gurmeet Singh Distt General Secretary Congress, include ward no 3, President Hardavinder Singh, Shami, Kuki Singh, Ram Lal, Ranjit Singh, Bodh Raj, Manohar Joshi, Javid Iqbal, Sunil Kumar, Subash Arora, Amit Arora, Raj kumar, Vijay Sharma, Amarpreet, Imran and beside others.
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